facultati organizatoare


Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to consider the opportunity to publish your contribution from the ISoLTC, 2019 conferences in a Springer International Publishing volume:


Editors: Daniela Șoitu, Sarka Mayerova, Fabrizzio Maturo

Please see the annexed information regarding the writing instructions!

  • Deadline for submitting the paper: 10 of May, 2019
  • Peer review feedback: 18 of May, 2019
  • Deadline for the revised paper: 31 of May, 2019
Language: English. It will be the author’ responsibility to assure that the English are accurate.
Peer review. 3 independent reviewers will be asked to give the feedback.
Data basis. The volume will be indexed in international databases.
please contact: prof. Ph.D. Daniela Soitu : danielag@uaic.ro .

Template-LTC-Springer book

Title of the Paper (Capital Letters at the Beginning of each Word, Times New Roman, 14 pts, bold, Left)

Author/authors (Times New Roman, 12 pts, centered, bold)
institution/company (Times New Roman, 12 pts, left)
address, (Times New Roman, 12 pts, left)
e-mail:(Times New Roman, 12 pts, left)


Each chapter should contain an abstract at a maximum length of 10 lines, as well as up to 7 key words reflecting the issues presented in the paper. Do not use word “paper”, use “chapter” as it will be a chapter of the book!!! E.g.: This chapter is dealing with…. (Times New Roman, 12 pts)

1.  Introduction

The main text (Times New Roman, 12 pts) structured into chapters, sub-chapters and sub-chapter parts. One blank line between sub-chapters. Chapters should be numbered. The required length of the text is 10-12 pages (at least 6 pages). Otherwise there is no limitation concerning the length.
The author(s) has to clearly state in the conclusion part their own contribution as well as what makes their work unique in comparison with other works dealing with similar topic.
No gap after paragraph. Just start with 3 spaces, like in this sample.

2. Example of the title

Policies and Practices in Social Systems (Times New Roman 14)

Daniela Tatiana Şoitu 1 , Sarka Hoskova-Mayerova2
*1Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania
2Department of Mathematics and Physics,University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic
If more than one author, the corresponding author has to be marked with *.

3. How to write references

All the items in the references list have to be cited at least once within the text. The references list should contain mostly works available in Scopus and/or Web of Science databases. Samples, how to cite in the text follows:
1. Book: (ACCEM 2008, p. 6).
2. Paper: (Rosicka 2004).
3. Paper with more authors: (Rosicka et al. 2008).
4. Web:

3.1 Pictures and tables

Both figures and tables will be marked as “Fig.”. Figures and tables will be centred but the name of the figure or table will be left.

Fig.1 Name of the figure (Times new Roman, left)

Fig. 2 Name of the table (Times new Roman, left)

4. Conclusion

It is necessary to meet this requirement in order your work can be included in the Springer book.
In the references you can find how to write:

  1. Book
  2. Chapter in a book
  3. Journal paper
  4. Internet source

The work presented in this paper has been supported by the XXXXXXXX (research project No. YYYYYYYY).
References (Times New Roman, 12 pts, bold)
ACCEM, (2008) Historia de las migraciones, España como emisor y receptor de inmigrantes, ISBN 978-84-691-1789-7.
Speranza, S. (2016) Public Values and Social Communication Decision and Control, Vol. 66, Maturo (Eds.), Recent Trends in Social Systems: Quantitative Theories and Quantitative Models, 978-3-319-40583-4, 107–126.
Buchanan, A. (2000)Trust in managed care organizations. Kennedy Inst. Ethics J. 10(3), 189–212
Calnan, M.W., Sanford, E. (2004) Public trust in health care: the system or the doctor? Qual. Saf. Health Care 13, 92–97
Vojácek, L., (2015) 7 largest migrations in history. The eternal chase for a better future! (2016) [online 03-09-2016]. Available online at: http://epochaplus.cz/?p=12561.